I have some bad news, guys. I forgot to photograph my lunch. I know you're all devastated, but I was so dang hungry by the time Jill, our co-worker and I sat down to eat at noon that I started scarfing down immediately.
Here's what I had:
-1 serving of chili from Make It Paleo (Recipe makes 6 servings, so I put it in 6 individual containers after it finished cooking). I had to basically force myself to eat this. I cheaped out and got meat at Costco on Sunday, and it showed in this recipe. The meat was too tough and the delicious, tender bites were few and far between. Also needs more spice in the recipe.
-6 oz. roasted butternut squash
(Award yourself some bonus points if you know where that image is from.)
I cannot keep away from chocolate. It's unpossible. Deal with it. I had two of these bad boys today. Other snacks included 1 serving of that pistachio/almond/cherry/cranberry trail mix and 2 servings of all natural unsweetened apple sauce (one at 3:30pm, the other after dinner).
For some reason, I was insatiable all day long. Could be the combination of too little sleep, and too little breakfast. I was able to kick most cravings by drinking water, tea or coffee, but it was rough.
Was lazy/forgot to thaw the chicken I have in my freezer, so I swung by Stop & Shop and picked up a plain rotisserie chicken and some avocados that were somehow just ripe enough. Had half of the breast with the skin on (weighed about 4 oz.), half of an avocado, and 4 oz. of the butternut squash I made last night.
Strength Training: Press (2x5, 1x5+)
2x5 - Bar (15#)
1x5 - 55% of 3x5 weight (35#...I round up)
1x3 - 70% (45#)
1x2 - 85% (55#)
2x5 - 100% (62.5#)
1x5 - 100% (62.5#....struggled on the last rep and could've gotten 6, but I gave up. Sorry, Drea!)
WOD - Max Effort
Kettle Bell swings - 16kg RX
3 burpees after each set
Time: 10:37
Used the thin little purple band (about half an inch thick) for sets 10-5, and then did my whack-ass attempt at kipping for 4-1. I'm definitely making progress with kipping pullups, but I'm still pretty spastic. Gotta remember....v in the face. (Don't ask.)
I did an impromptu poll on Facebook after logging my calories for the day and it seems I'm not really eating enough given my size and activity level. I may try to keep it at about 1,600 calories a day for rest days, and bump up the intake a bit more on days when I hit the gym. I'd appreciate any feedback people might have on caloric intake. I'm 28 years old, 5'2", 126.5# as of last week (pre-food breakup sex, but I doubt that made too much of a difference), I do CrossFit 5x a week, and I walk between 20-40 minutes each week day to get to work.
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