Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mmmm...Red 40.

I came into work today and found this on my desk:

OH GOODY! IT'S A POOFY POP!  An undoubtedly nice gesture from one of my coworkers, left on my desk while I was working from home yesterday.  Check out that ingredients list.  Does any of that sound like real food?  I'm terrified.  I think every since one of those things is just another word for "diabeetus".  Friends don't let friends eat FD&C (what does that even MEAN?) Red 40.

Now, check out what I brought to snack on today:

Now that's the stuff.  REAL FOOD made from ACTUAL NATURAL, EDIBLE THINGS...who would've thunk it?  A snack that wasn't manufactured in a laboratory?  That's bananas.  

It scares me to think about how much "Artificial Flavors" I've probably ingested in my life, and how accepted ingredients like those found in the "Poofy Pop" have become in our time.  Sugary corn-laden food products are the norm.  How ridiculous is that?  Perhaps you don't subscribe to the paleo diet, or perhaps you're even against it for some reason, but I at least challenge you to look at the nutritional information of the food you buy and EAT REAL FOOD.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Words to live by...

(Click to enlarge, unless you have awesome eyesight.)

Courtesy of Steve's Original. 

Yes, that is a Richard Simmons magnet on my fridge.  Don't be jealous.

I am the worst.

Yep.  I am the absolute worst.  It only took me a few days to drop the ball on updating this thing!

Well, what's happened since I last posted?

  • I ate a lot of food
  • I did a bunch of awesome workouts
  • On Saturday, I went to Eataly and could not help myself - I HAD TO try a bite or two of the fresh mozzarella that everyone I was with was partaking in...paired with some amazing pancetta.
I bELIeve!
(Image from SI)

Of course, since I have no self control, I kind of fell off the wagon last night at my friend's Super Bowl party.  Well, maybe not fell off, but I definitely wasn't riding with my arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.  I had my little sister and her boyfriend visiting from Virginia, and I didn't think to plan ahead and think to bring anything to eat that would be Paleo to eat.  I thought I'd be fine chowing down on some buffalo wings, but after a couple of sangrias, I knew I needed something more substantial, so I had half a slice of sausage pizza.  Then, after the Giants handed the Patriots their tookuses, I was so excited (and buzzed) that I had not one, but two celebratory cupcakes.  


I know, it's not that bad, and the rest of the day leading up to the Super Bowl was filled with good (read: healthier) eats, but it's just a little frustrating that I can't seem to keep myself disciplined, and I shouldn't have to rely on others to keep me in check.  

I suggested to my Nutritional Challenge team that we enforce a 50 burpee penalty for each infraction on our diet.  I'm not counting the wine, sangria & shots I drank (although if I do for some reason consume beer, I'm definitely counting it) this weekend, but I am counting the pizza and 2 cupcakes, so I've got 150 burpees to look forward to doing this week!

Other than some Paleo infractions, I'm feel pretty good!  I weighed myself a few days ago for funsies and I'm down a pound a half.  My midsection looks way better, and I've even noticed a reduction in cellulite.  I woke up today without an alarm and despite drinking a bit last night, I feel completely fine.  The extreme thirst I was feeling for a few days has mostly subsided, thanks to adding even more fat to my diet.  You're the best, avocados.

I will try my best to be better this week, but with a wedding to go to coming up on Friday, I may find myself with even more burpees to do!